Many families choose cremation services in St. Peters, MO. because it allows many more options for their loved one’s final resting place. Not only can they choose to keep the ashes in an urn in their home, but they can also opt to place them in a columbarium niche, scatter them, bury them or even have them turned into another item completely. Today we are going to look at just some of the options families have when it comes to their loved one’s ashes.
1. Keeping Them in a Display Urn
This is probably the most common way people keep their loved one’s ashes. The family will place the remains in a display urn and keep them in their home. They may be displayed on a bookshelf or mantle or even outside in a garden.
2. Scatter the Remains
The releasing of ashes back into nature is one of the biggest reasons people may choose cremation. Finding a meaningful spot and having your loved one’s ashes cast into the wind can provide a beautiful and touching visual way to signify their spirit being released.
3. Placing the Urn in a Columbarium Niche
Many families choose to place the urn in a columbarium niche. A columbarium is simply a structure that is standalone or part of another structure and has spaces in it called niches. It is these niches that families can place their loved one’s urn. Columbariums can be found in places such as cemeteries, cremation gardens, and other memorial type sites.
4. Placing the Remains in Keepsake Urns
For those families who have many members who would like to have a portion of their loved one, keepsake urns are the perfect option. These urns hold a much smaller portion of remains so that families can divide the remains among them. Once divided, each family member can have their own urn with a portion of the ashes.
5. Bury the Ashes
Many people are surprised to learn that you can bury cremated ashes just as you can with a casket burial. These plots can be found in cemeteries and cremation gardens and are just like a casket plot. The urn is typically placed in an urn vault and then buried. Families may choose this option if the decease’s religion dictates they need a ground burial or if the family wishes to have a designated place with a headstone where they can visit to feel close to their loved one.
6. Turn the Ashes Into Something New
For families who would like to do something a little more unconventional with their loved one’s ashes, they can have them turned into something new. Just a few of the things that the ashes can be transformed into are diamonds, vinyl records, glass sculptures, paintings, tattoos, and even jewelry. In these cases a portion of your loved one’s ashes is used either as part of the product or, in the case of the diamonds, transformed into the item.
With so many options of what to do with a loved one’s ashes after cremation services in St. Peters, MO., you can see why families may opt for this choice. And know that we have just listed a few of the many options available. Today, with cremation becoming more accepted and chosen, more and more options are being created every day.