If you are looking for something a little unconventional to do with your loved one’s ashes, then this article is for you. From shooting ashes into space, to cuddling with a stuffed animal urn, we are going to list some of the most unusual things to do with your loved one’s ashes after their cremation services in Saint Charles, MO.
In this day and age you can do just about anything with ashes, including sending them into obit and beyond. Companies today will take a portion of your loved one’s remains along on actual space missions and release them into the earths orbit. Families can also opt to have the ashes placed on the moon’s surface or even sent into deep space. This option also allows families to have access to tour the space launch site as well as talk with the astronauts.
If you would like an urn that serves a purpose as well as be a statement piece, you might consider an hourglass urn for your loved one’s remains. These urns function as a real hourglass but instead of using sand, they use a portion of your loved one’s ashes. While these aren’t the most accurate pieces, they are a wonderful reminder that time and life are limited and precious.
This urn is truly such a great idea. It not only provides a safe place for your loved one’s ashes but also allows you to cuddle with them anytime you want to feel close and connected to them. These urns can be found in many animals but the most popular by far is the teddy bear. Simply remove the pouch that is inside the toy, fill with the ashes and seal tight. Place the pouch back in the stuffed animal and seal close.
If you really want your loved one close to you at all times, nothing can do that like a cremation tattoo can. This is because with a cremation tattoo, the ink is mixed with a portion of your loved ones ashes. This ink is then used in your tattoo just as any other ink. This makes a truly unique way to have a piece of your loved one with you.
If you like the idea of having your loved one close, but a cremation tattoo is a little too extreme for your tastes, you could consider having their ashes turned into a diamond. There are several companies that take a portion of the ashes and transform them through natural occurrences into a real diamond. You can then use this diamond in a jewelry setting such as a ring or necklace. Since these are real diamonds, the price will increase the bigger the diamond you want.
These are just a few of the many, many unconventional options available today. And with cremation services in Saint Charles, MO. rising in popularity each year, it seems more and more companies are creating new ideas every day. While some of these may not be the best fit for every family, it is nice to know there are options to fit almost any family’s needs or tastes.