Even though most people understand the importance of preplanning their cremation services in St. Peters, MO., very few actually do it. This could be for a number of reasons from things like they are too busy, to believing they are too young to preplan. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons people may put off preplanning their cremation.
This is probably the most common reason people put off preplanning their final arrangements. As funerals directors, we get it. Thinking about one’s own mortality is not an easy thing to face. The truth is, though, it is going to ever be any easier so you might as well just face it. And even more, many people actually feel better afterwards because of the comfort the preplanning brought them. They now have peace of mind knowing everything is taken care of.
We are all running around going from one task straight into another. With kids, work, school, chores, bills, etc., life can get crazy. However, if something is important to you, you will make the time. You need to realize how important preplanning is to not only you but for your family. Knowing they will be taken care of and not having to be burdened with making plans when you pass should be reason enough for you to make time now to get this taken care of. Yes, we are all busy, but if it’s important you can find time. And this is important.
Many people simply think they are too young to preplan their arrangements. This is just simply not the case. Unfortunately, we never know when our time to pass will be. Illness and accidents can take anyone at any age. Even if you are younger it is a good idea to look into making plans. Even if you don’t settle everything right now, at least take care of the main items. You could even start a savings account now to cover expenses later.
When it’s uncomfortable to think about something, we tend to make excuses to put it off. This is definitely the case many times when it comes to preplanning our own cremation services. Although the excuses listed above may feel valid to those saying them, they are nothing more than statements said to put off doing something they don’t want to do.
If you understand the value and importance of preplanning your cremation services in St. Peters, MO., don’t put it off. Don’t’ make statements up to further the delay of making your arrangements. Although it can be difficult to approach and confront, making these plans will not only help you feel better and provide you with peace of mind, but it will also ensure that your final wishes are carried out as you intended, and it will ensure your family is taken care of when the time comes. And all of that is worth the feeling of being a little uncomfortable.