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“Death ends a life, not a relationship” ~ Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie
Many people don’t realize; we don’t leave our deceased loved ones behind when they die. Rather, we carry them with us throughout our lives.
Holding onto items, daily habits, private rituals, conversations with your loved one, visiting places where you feel close to them, thinking about them – these are all ways people stay connected to people who have died.
Although establishing these connections seems like a very natural tendency for grieving people, it wasn’t until the early 90’s that a grief theory called Continuing Bonds put a name to it. In this session, we’ll:
“Learning new ways to continue my connection with my son who has passed. Very informative, accessible, and useful.”
Supporting Shattered Worlds: Working With Sudden, Traumatic, and Stigmatized Losses
Why does it seem like some losses turn entire worlds upside down? What factors lead to a person feeling like everything they once knew is gone? And how do you, as a professional working with grieving people, help someone experiencing things like shock, confusion, isolation, disbelief, and panic?
In this session, we’ll:
Please note by viewing the professional encore webinar you are not eligible to receive CE Credits.
“This was one of the best workshops I have been to, and I have been to many! So this is a huge compliment. I truly appreciated both the content and the manner in which it was delivered. No one was reading from a script, but really speaking from the heart as each area unfolded. This is so rare now days. I appreciated the history of grief and was unaware of some of it. I was also not familiar with IU, and enjoyed learning about it.”