Watching a friend mourn the loss of a loved one can be heartbreaking. As a fiend you want to be there for them. You want to help take away their pain and make them feel better, but what to do you? First, you have to understand that nothing you do will be a magic fix and make it all better, but there are things you can do to show them they are loved and that they have your support. Providers of cremation services in O'Fallon, MO. share ideas of ways you can help your grieving friend.
When people are grieving, often the last things on third mind is their own health. This could mean that your friend is not eating very heathy or skipping meals altogether. They may also be letting their exercise slack and may be having a difficult time sleeping well.
To ensure they are staying healthy both mentally and physically at this time you could consider doing some of the following:
Other than having a difficult time with self-care while mourning, your friend may also lack motivation to take care of daily chores and errands. This is a great place where you can offer your help. You could offer to do things like:
Helping them with the mundane chores may not seem like a lot to you but it can mean everything to them. Not only does it keep their home clean and fresh (which is a much better environment to try and heal in), it also reminds them they are loved and you are there for them.
If your friend has pets or children, this is another area where you could offer to help. If they have a pet such as a dog you could offer to take them to the dog park or other activity to help burn off some of their energy.
If they have children you could offer to take them out for some icer cream one afternoon or take them and/ or pick the up from school or other activities.

One of the biggest ways you can help your friend is to just be there when they are ready to talk. This may not happen right away, so don’t force it, just when they are ready, follow their lead and let them talk and vent as they need.
If you would like more resources on how you can assist a grieving friend after their loved one’ s cremation services in O'Fallon, MO. give us a call as we are happy to help you and your friend with any additional grief resources that can help.