Many times with cremation services in Saint Charles, MO. families may not wish to hold any services with the cremation such as a funeral or memorial service. Although there are no requirements to do so, there are some benefits to holding a service that some families may not take into account. Let’s look at some of the top benefits services provide so that you can better decide if you should hold one.
Coming to terms with the fact our loved one is truly gone is traumatic. That is why often, even though we know logically our loved one has passed, we still may imagine them walking through the front door any minute. While we may logically understand they are gone, it takes time to adapt and accept it.
Having a service can help those who attend to accept this death and find closure faster. It can assist in facing this new reality and begin the healing process.
Mourning the loss of a loved one is difficult and can fill us with a wide range of emotions. Going through these feelings alone can be tough to handle. Attending a service for a loved one and being able to see and talk with others who are also feeling these feelings can make you feel not so alone. This can bring a sense of being connected and that can also provide comfort in this difficult time. This can truly make a difference in how we are able to handle the situation and begin to heal from it.
Having a service for your loved one offers a set time and day for people to come and only focus on honoring your loved one. Those who attend are able to disconnect from things like work and daily chores, and use this time to solely focus on remembering and honoring your loved one. This can be very beneficial as it offers a time to slow down and reflect about the deceased and their life.
Funerals are meant to have us focus on the deceased but often times they may cause us to focus on ourselves as well. This is because they confront us with questions like:
These questions can cause us to examine our own life and mortality and often help improve it in some way. We can find new meaning in our life and a renewed sense that we need to live it.
If you would like more information on services that can be held with cremation services in Saint Charles, MO. give us a call or come by anytime as we have a wide range of choices that will fit your needs. Together we can design the most appropriate and fitting arrangements for your loved one.